Chris did a great job mounting my elk. I’d met another hunter who actually helped me pack out my elk. He referred Chris. I had my elk in the back of my truck and stopped for a dinner at a restaurant after being out all day. People in the restaurant admiring my elk told me to call Chris. Again at the archery shop the following morning; “take it to Chris”. Seemingly, everywhere I went, I was told; “take it to Chris”.
I did and I was extremely happy I did. His prices were reasonable and he turned out the job punctually. I didn’t feel like I was pushed to the back of the line simply because I wasn’t a professional guide (like others have made me feel). Chris did a wonderful job on my mount. I’ll be sending this year’s trophy to him again from 5 hours away because he and his team are the best.

Johnny Martinez

I honestly cannot tell you the first time I met Chris. I can tell you he was working hard as he always is everytime I come to the shop. Chris is easily the hardest working person I’ve ever met.

Chris doesn’t just work hard, he is VERY good at what he does. He is always pleasant and helpful, even after a l

ng day and even when a normal human wouldn’t be.

I have counted on Chris for many many years as a friend and as my local taxidermist. I’ve long ago lost count of the many hundreds of trophies we’ve taken Chris over the years. He’s done a wonderful job on every one of those mounts.
No matter the season, critter, time of year or time of day, Chris is always a welcome sight at the end of a successful hunt.
There are times where we are so wore out and tired we are anxious to drop off our very large, very dirty, and very heavy trophies to Chris. He unloads them and we can stop worrying about keeping them cold. Once Chris has them, we can move on knowing they are in professional hands.
Bison heads and capes in January, antelope capes in August, sheep capes in December and everything else we bring Chris large or small all gets treated with care and attention.
There are other taxidermist. Some are good. Some are poor. None are better.
Chris is local, has been around forever, charges fairly and provides high value. He cares deeply. He is everything you want in a taxidermist and I am proud to call him my friend.
Northern Arizona hunters are blessed to have his shop so close to home.
I trust Chris and am shocked at how quickly he turns around the mountain of work that he does.
You don’t have to worry about where your deposit goes or when your mount will be done. Chris manages his shop professionally and hits his promised delivery dates.
My professional recommendation is to use Chris at Mount-N-View taxidermy. You won’t regret it.
Russ Jacoby
Mossback AZ